
Joined: December 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 341105
Gender: F

projectbeloved's Favorite Quotes

     i'd gladly give up my

Christmas if it meant the kids

in Connecticut could live to

experience another one. 



Imagine if you could screenshot real life OOOO:
Camera. That thing you're talking about, is a camera.

                           on page 566 in the dictionary.

I can't even tell if I'm really in love. When I'm not with him,
all I want to do is be my his side. When someone mentions
his name, I feel like telling a million stories that I've shared
with him. When I sleep, he's the one I dream about. When
I'm with him, I love it when he teases the
hell out of me.
Teacher: We're going to continue reading the story in class next week so what does that mean everyone needs to bring? (Meaning the
text book
Kid in my class: A pillow.?


Even though I don't like Miley Cyrus as a person, personally,

I still like some of her songs

"It's so hot when he

wears his pants

halfway down his


-Said no one ever

time whilst in the shower:
2% cleaning body.
8% singing.
90% winning fake arguments.

h a t   d   

when someone knocks your hand when your writing and they make you draw a massive line over your page 


Taylor Swift's next single:
"He Called Me Louis"