
Joined: February 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 273570

qt2e89's Favorite Quotes

if you type 'Google Gravity' and then click
'i'm feeling lucky' on Google,  


  The entire page will lose it's gravity and you get to play with it.

go try it ♥ 


Maybe you should eat some makeup
so you can be pretty on the inside too.


Honey , Don't be proud if  so many guys want you ;

Cheap item's have many buyers(;

Liam Paynecakes.
Niall Horange Juice.
Louis Tomlemons.
StrawbHarry Styles.
Zayn Milk.


Format by Sandrasaurus

Google is only 12- years old,
and it still knows more then me...


That awesome moment when
you are telling a lie and your best friend notices and joins you(:



Tostitos cheese dip
umm what was i eating before?


I always wish on 11:11
  because sometimes, you just need something to believe in.


One Directiofact #176
Hiring One Direction for just one night costs over £21000 (33293.4$)

format by PaperLung


It's always the happiest people yoknow,
that hurt the most on the inside.