
Joined: September 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 124770
Gender: F

sammannthaa4's Favorite Quotes

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Me and my friends
friend 1: i can get any boy i want
friend 2: i can draw really well
friend 3: i can sing
friend 4: i can look good without make up
friend 5: i can get invited to any party
me: i can breathe

dear mother nature...
i'd like to cancel my monthly subsciption... ♥

CHRISTMAS: Noun. The annual christian festival celebrating Christ's Birthday, held on December 25. 

Mom: Who are you texting?
Me: *Thinks of friend mom would approve of*
That awkward moment when
"Oh my gosh, should have been there!"
"Well inviting me might've helped."

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"10 times better than the

leading brand!" Then why

isn't it the leading brand...


Wait fome somewhere between



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