
Joined: August 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 212585

Quotes by seaweed

im sorry
im sorry im not good enough
im sorry im annoying
im sorry no one understands
im sorry if i sound like im complaining
im sorry i just want to be loved </3
 okay so i dont think that i have ever felt so alone in my life as i do rn. you all are gunna think im sooo desperate but im really not i just want to feel loved and when i go out and see all these happy in love couples i get so upset and ever since i started reading the hunger games ive felt even more alone and not loved and like no one ever wants to talk to me and all i really want is someone to be "my peeta" and u are prob reading this and being like omg shes addicted but im really not its just hes like my perfect boyfriend that i want but know i wont get and i just had to get this off my chest bc its been bothering me so much so thankyou so much if you read this<3
So everyone says how they want love for christmas? well the guy of my dreams have been talking to me for a week and now that its christmas he doesnt even talk to me. i guess nothing good stays for long..
 i love him</3

i just need to vent-
 okay, so i've been practically in love with this kid for a long time now. and even tho he can be a jerk i cant help but think there are times when he actually loves me. but no of course not i think he likes someone else. and its hard bc me and that girl ares so close but watching the guy im in love with liike her is the hardest thing for me. sure i act like i dont care and nothing affects me but not one person ever realizes that i go home and cry because i hate everything in my life rn and the last thing i needed was for him to like her. my lifes not perfect, no ones is, but for once i was kinda hoping something would go my way for once. of course not tho.
Thank You if u read this<3


 More like bullsh*t


Anyone who says Sunshine brings happiness has never danced in therain

The perfect boyfriend for me would
 let me hangout with him and his friends and not be embarressed. would let me meet his family. he would teach me how to play cod and mw3. and kiss me in the rain. suprise me from behind with hugs. he would call me at 3 in the morning just to tell me he loves me. he would give me his hoodie and never ask for it back. And he would love me and never let me go.

But of course i'll never have someone like that <3


 People say that  someone 
out there loves you

 but what if I never find that someone...



& I Put My Dueces Up
and my index finger down


& today

he hugged me.

my life is now complete