
Joined: November 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 243874


Hey :) the name's Skyler and I'm a girl in 9th grade. My life revolves around soccer, I would be nothing without it.

I feel like I have to take care of everyone, and make sure that everyone else is happy. But very few people ask me how I'm doing, so I have basically no self confidence.

When I like something, I really like it, and nobody can make me change, for better or for worse


sports_snow_him's Favorite Quotes

I wish I was pretty...

Typing texts to people

being too afraid to send them.

Format by twilightgirl995

I  A M  W H O   I  A M

your approval is not needed

format by Breeze

Real men;

Don't date the most beautiful girl in the world, but the girl

who makes their world the most beautiful.


Format: twilightgirl995

Me: Can I confess to you something?
Her: sure.
Me: Your smile is the prettiest smile i've ever seen.
Her: Can I confess to you as well?
Me: Oh, sure(:
Her: This smile only exists when I'm with you.

- She gives me hope-


 The prettiest smile hides the deepest secrets.

The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears.

 And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.


The Awkward Moment
when you're trying to get over the person you like,
but you end up having dreams about them 3 nights in a row...

Guys are so funny when they ask

"You actually know what is going on when you watch like football and hockey and baseball?"

"Nope, I'm a girl. What makes you think I watch sports??"
I <3 my sarcasm!
Watch me yell at the TV to get a touchdown/goal/hit.
Bet I'm louder than you. :)

In soccer we tackle, we slide, we dodge, we dive.
We block.We bleed.We bruise. We head the ball.
but unlike football
we do it all without
helmet or pads
cause us soccer players we kick grass