
Status: "A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesnt believe, and leaves before she is left." ~Marilyn Monroe
Joined: August 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: January 2
user id: 202366
Location: a place
Gender: F
Well Hello There Fellow People!

My name is Alex. Im from Chicago. Currently i am a junior in this hell hole called 
HIGH SCHOOL. talking is not just a hobby, im loud and obnoxios but it the coolest way  possible.... um if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to i can be that person. and no, i do not obssess over one direction but i dont hate them either. hungergames<3 reading<3 music<3 flute<3
guitar<3 piano<3 movies<3 winter<3 friends<3 family<3 and theres a whole bunch of other things i love too! <333

Quotes by sunkissedgirls711

you have me 
breaking the riiles

Format credit- EshaEverlasting

when will the scars
 be healed

Format credit- EshaEverlasting

Hey, i found your nose,
it was in my business.

that awkward moment when...

commercials starts with a question and screaming at the tv
cause you're just that cool

Format Credit: FaveFormats. 


 You don't deserve to be
                             any boys

half-time, down time,

spare-time, part-time,

or sometime.

read this untill you get it

I   1   2   1/2   6

I am not a word,
i am not a line, i am not a girl that can ever be defined

Lets go back to the days when  
"eanie meanie miney moe"
solved all of our

format ©FunkyMonkeyFormats


The American Flag

doesn't fly because the wind blows it,
the flag flys from the last breath
of each military member who

d i e d  protecting it



Credit: FaveFormats
Hey dad

I'm sexy and I know it
 I bet you haven't looked at the scale in a while:P

wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeahh 
jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle, jiggle,
yeahhh ;)

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