
Joined: February 28, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 68931

twilightrocks234's Favorite Quotes

What do tigers dream of
when they take a little
tiger snooze?

the hangover

I am in love
with what we are
not what we should be


those days where ,

h e  j u s t  l o o k s so damn good 

&& I promise you,
I’m going to be
one of those girls
you'll never forget
because this time,
I’m making it count.

no boyfriend?
no problem*

This quote does not exist.

           You're 12.
         You just   started  dating  him     yesterday.
         You   know  barely   anything   about   him.
        You know as much about him,
         as I know about strangers.
      You're not in love with him,
          not yet.


This quote does not exist.

This one is for all the witty girls that have ever.....

Stayed up all of those extra long nights just texting him hoping that 
 somewhere in your conversation there would be an "i
love you" or "wait I've been needing to tell you something" or even "I
thought about you today" you've been that girl that is just hoping that last
text would be "goodnight beautiful".... that someday it would be you that
he thinks about and not that pretty girl next to you. 

Now this one is for all the witty girls that have ever.....

gave up. realized that he is no longer worth. Realized that the last text
is always going to be "night see you in science" or even "okay
goodnight" .... now realize that he's never going to be thinking about you
 it's always going to be about that "one pretty girl next to you."

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of it