
Joined: June 2, 2012
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 305049

about me

hi  witty user my name is maddelina but people call me madde i blow the candles out april 17 and i am 13 right now 

'Cause, if we stand for nothing,
we'll fall for anything.

volleyball_01's Favorite Quotes

I guess the main reason people commit suicide
Is because no one cares enough to listen .
Witty girls, comment your biggest secret.
Then scroll through other comments.
Leave advice and cute messages.
You will see you are not alone .

People at my school: you're in all AP classes right?
Me: omg that's a good one!
Me: oh, you were serious?
Me: someone get me a doctor!
If I died before I wake .
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

If I die during my sleep.
I pray the lord my heart to keep.

Father, if tonight is the end.
Will you make sure to watch over my friends?

God if tonight I die .
Will I see you in the big blue sky?

Lord, if I take my last breathe.
Will I suffer during my death?

Master if tonight my heart stops its beat.
Will you make sure it's given as a treat.

God. If I die tonight.
Will you protect my loved ones with all your might?

God. If I die before I wake.
I pray you my lord, my soul to take.

This was inspire by Kid Cudi's song.
But, most of it was mine.
Please, Give creds if you take.
Credit format: Not mine.

*Me on Tumblr*

Me: *scrolls upon cute couple kissing*
Me: Awh, why can't I have a cute relationship like that?
Me: Maybe it's because I'm already in a serious commited relationship.
me: ...with my computer.
Me: Or because I'm eating ramen noodles with a spork.
Me: Or maybe it's the fact that I'm about as attractive as a potato. 
Me: *Hugging Cat* Atleast I have you, Mr. Fluffers! 
Cat: *Meows and wildy claws face, then jumps off of bed*
Me: -____-
Me: Oh well, I'm better off by myself anyway. 
Me: I'm a lone wolf.
Me: Like Taylor Lautner! Team Jacob!
Me: lol no, I don't even like twilight.
Me: I'll find someone someday.
The World:
One Direction:
Josh Hutcherson:
Unicorn Land:
Tom Daley:
Me: *chokes on a noodle*

Mom: *comes into my room
Mom: Hey how ar- Ohmygosh, honey why are you crying? What happened?
Me: *sniffle
Me: I'm watching the Hunger Games on my computer...
True story.

*me at the age of 6*
*hits older kid with sweater*
Kid: I'm gonna tell your parents!
Me: *Runs home, locks door*
Kid: *rings doorbell*
Kid: I wanna talk to your parents
Me:  My parents...don't speak english... and they aren't home!
Dad: *starts coming down the stairs*
Kid: Then who's that?
Me: My ...grandpa
Kid: Can I talk to him?
Me: ....He doesn't speak english either

I was such a good liar(;
True Story

Did anybody
ever realise that one day
we will be adults
&we'll have to

I did not sign up for this.


Me in Walmart when I see the new Hunger Games DVD:
MOM. You're so beautiful.
Me:  I just love you so much.
Me: Did you do something different with your hair?
Me: Cause it's just so gorgeous.
Me: *hugs her
Me: I want to grow up to be just like you.
Me: Cause you're so nice, and caring, and amazing...
Me: How does it feel to be the best mom in the world?
Me: I loooove youuuu mommmmy.♥
Mom: We're not getting the DVD. Now go to the snack aisle and get your brother some HOHOs for his lunch.
Me: ...but....Peeta...
Me: -___-
True Story.


Ramona and
Ramona I know tha you think being different is bad but its not.. You don't worry about colouring inside the lines you know?
You're your own person, you don't care what other people think. It's brave being how you are.
Oh, well, sometimes I colour inside the lines but really it depends on the picture.

I love this quote <33*


not my format:x

Do  you  know  what  it's  like  . . .

To feel so in the dark?

To dream about a life . . .

Where you're the shining star?