
Joined: August 4, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 85108

You think you know me? You have no idea..
I've learned that life is perspected differently by everyone.
For me, life is living with regrets, old memories, and hard times. Looking back, moving on, and making new paths. Being yourself, smiling, and cherishing the good moments. Growing up, finding your real friends, and forgetting about the fakes. It's doing what you love, just because you love it. It's laughing until you cry, dancing because you feel like it, and crying because it's all you have left in you.
Overall, life is tough, but, life is good. :)
I hate people who judge others. You think I'm stuck up, but have you ever really gotten to know me? I didn't think so. :( Atleast give me a chance..?

Quotes by vosschicks26

& he has no idea;
how much he could break me..♥


I'm on top of the world..
just waiting to fall </3


Dreams come true.. 

Today, he came up to me at my locker..
He just stood there, his hand in his pockets; staring at me.
I put my books in my locker, closed it & looked at him, with a smile on my face.
He smiled back, the cutest smile I've ever seen.
We then walked to our next class together, talking & giggling about random things. 
That's when I knew, finally, he was mine. All mine. 
And that not all boys are jerks. Some of 'em are okay..

Taylor Swift;
you're my hero♥.


Cause there is not quarentee...
that this life is easy♥


//She took him faster than you can say



& who else..
hates when your face gets red?



You wish you were dif fer ent? 
Somebody out there is dieing to be in your shoes.

 lets go get fat :D
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