
Joined: August 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 211107
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Behind The Barbie
Emma, Marley, Alaria, Lina♥ â�¥
Summer Semester- and it's Emma Marley Lina and Alaria against everyone.
Mind you, they'll have no problem- they can just raid Daddy's bank account for anything they want.
They're gorgeous, yes. And new-girl Marley is adpating to their luxurious lifestyle well, without her accent she could've been born in LA.
It's thanks to Alaria- the sweetheart who'll accept you if you're true&beautiful- like her clique.
 But will she bite anyone's backs?
As they all come across problems, it comes down to whether your bestfriends really are there for you...


witty_writers_x's Favorite Quotes

  I went k back and looked in my quotes and saw that 
Super bass was on the radio first at July.
Still here. WOW

You know what makes me mad?

That about a hundred years ago, women fought for independence, to not be treated like a piece of property, or just a thing to reproduce with, and now today, we're have short shorts, and Victoria's Secret.


It's my birthday!
Let us commemorate your day of birth... What a joyous day it must have been. 





This quote does not exist.
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Format by kclove5layouts
Fave  For Spongebob 
Comment for phineas and ferb


- Hey 90's kids!.


1,2 skip a few 99 ...100! 


And He's

* Beautiful.
 Got a smile that could light up this whole  town
>>Got the most amazing eyes<<

* Clumsy
 Loveable in every way
 The reason i go to school
Got  that smile that only heaven can make. 

*  Faithful
Everything i've ever wanted 


fave if any of these aply to you



 Remember when...
Popularity was based on how high you could count?


I'm a sophomore girl in Highschool
&& a freshman guy just asked me to Homecoming. 
I think he's totally adorable.
Fav if you think it's okay for me to say yes,

Comment if you don't
my skirt's an inch too short? well... that's my education ruined.