
Joined: July 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 320718
Gender: F

wittygurl_14's Favorite Quotes

 Hey, you there!
Can you stop scrolling
for just a second;
and click the heart for...

the ones who lost
their lives on
Sept. 11, 2001.



♥ this and your nose will automatically 




A boy's sleepy voice
is seriously the sexiest shittt ever.

What if your pillow

Could collect your dreams and when you wake up,
You could plug it into your computer
And watch them over again.

Suicide Hotline-

Favorite if you are willing to save
some ones life by favoriting this quote.


 You're nice to the weird kid once then BOOM. Stalked for life. 


Jenna Marbles needs her own fricken

 t a l k   s h o w .

were dangerous because they made her wish for things

she could never have...



Summer should get a speeding ticket
and slow down.
When you love some one
Age, distance, height,
& anything else is
Just a number


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