
Joined: January 15, 2015
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 389148

xanthhhe's Favorite Quotes

There's some people in this world
who you can just love and love and
love no matter what.   ♥
That's what happens when you try to change things.
Things change, but...
You can't always control how.

Don't Cry Over Anyone Who Won't Cry Over You

the biggest coward
is a man who awakens
a womens love with no
intention of loving her
-Bob Marley
Pro and cons of boys:
Con: they're dicks
Pro: their dicks
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
I feel the regret
Rush through me
As I see
You leave
The nest we made
With memories that I'll never forget...

This quote does not exist.
Stop the world cause I wanna get off with you
Success is the sum of small efforts day in and day out.