
Joined: July 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 196990

Quotes by xiloveyou5x

Adults always say

"You can do whatever you want! The Sky is the Limit"


But when I was a kid, I wanted to be an Astronaut..

Thanks for ruining my dreams! ..:P

You know you have a best friend when...

they find out everything about you...

XPand are still your friend XP


You are the the:

Peanut to my Butter
Coco to my Puffs
Jelly to my Donut
Fudge to my Brownies
Chocolate to my Chip
Witty to my Profiles

I could go on forever...
but I'm too tired. GOODNIGHT :)

i don't like the ending.. ;p

-20 minutes left in class, the teacher is making you do word searches because she doesn't have anything planned for the day-
*you walk up to the teacher at her desk*
you: may I go to the bathroom
teacher: can you wait til class is over?



The morning when you wake up 
but try to go back to sleep 
because you were having a good dream.


Fave if this ever happened to you ;)


I love the way you laugh,
I love the way you smile,
I love the way you look at me.

but the one thing I hate,

is that we will never be together. "/

This isn't just a white space.

I'm pretty,
but I'm also the 
weirdest girl you will ever meet.

maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend...:p

*phone rings*

you: Hello?
prank caller: Is your refrigerator running?
you: No, it's broken.
prank caller:.......


My name is Phillis and I am a drug addict.



is deceiving.

        Dreaming is believing.