
Joined: August 26, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 87558
The names Katiee ;)
I'm 14 and a Freshman (:
I play Soccer, and Lacrosse.!
Im Blonde :D w/ hazel eyesss (; 
And yut im takenn. ;D


Quotes by xo_katie_xop23

Your Name-Katie(:
Nicknames- Kate, katiebug, cupcake :P
Birthday- febuary 23

~*HAVE YOU??*~
Been kissed? yeaa
Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no
Been on stage? yess
Gotten in a car accident? not that i can remember :P
Death Valley on horseback? horsebackk??
Stayed home? yea?
Made homemade fudge? hehe with friends :P
Seen the Eiffel tower? huh?

Shampoo: who caress.
Soap: W.e.
Color: Lime- green!
Day: Fridayy
Band: lotss
Season: Summer baby!
Commercial: idfkk.

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Boyfriend, yes(:

Do you have a crush on someone: Other than my boyfriend.. kinda :\
Do you have a best friend? Yessir(:
Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorite friends? nah.
Who’s your funniest friend? Maryy
Who do you go to the mall with the most? Taylorr
Who do you e-mail the most? Friendss.
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Shannon
Who’s the loudest? Jackk.
Who’s the shyest? NONE! :p
Whose parents do you know the best? taylorr(:
Who do you go to for advice? any of them(:
Who knows all your secrets? Tayy.
Who do you get the most surveys from? huh?
Who are you jealous of? Gotta love who you are(:
Who do you cry with? lmao anyone.
What is your usual quote? not suree.

Cried? no
Eaten fluf? nopee
Helped someone? sortaaa hehe
Bought something? nah
Dissected something? ugh no.
Cut your hair? Nope
Worn a skirt? no
Worn a tie? uh no
Been mean? i dont think so :P
Been sarcastic? alwayss
Gone for a run? Nahh
Gone for a walk? somewhatt
Gone to the movies? yessir :D
Gone out for dinner? yupp(:
Been kissed? family lmao
Felt stupid? of course
Said “I love you”? yess
Written a letter? no?
Written a paper? no
Taken a test?  fridayy.
Met someone new? lmfao yea sure.
Moved on? nope
Written in a journal? no
Watched your favorite movie? it wasnt my fave.
Talked to someone you have a crush on?  yesss(:
Given someone a present? yea a card. :P
Missed someone? yess
Hugged someone? yupp
Had a nightmare? nah
Fought with your parents? nope
Fought with a friend? hah not a friend(:
Been Scared? lmfaoo yesss

Showered? this morning
Ate a meal? omg NOTHING and its 4:00
What are you wearing right now? pj's haha
Are you tired? nah
Are you lonely? nope
Are you happy?yea
Are you wearing pajamas? LMFAO YEAAA(:
Are you hungry? yea havent ate at all today :(
Are you eating? nope
Are you talking to someone online? nah
Are you ready for this survey to end? Dont care.
How long did this survey take you?idkk.
*Do you want all your friends to do this and send back? no

Type of sandwich: Turkeyy
Coffee or hot chocolate? Cappachino(:
Cold or hot? hott
Lace or satin? satin 
Red or blue?blue
New or old? Dependss.
Here or there? Dependss.
boys or girls? girls for bestfriends, boys for relationships(:

They called them crazy when they started out,
Said 17's to young to no what loves about.
They've been together 58 years now,
Thats crazy.
He brought home 67 bucks a week,
Bought a little 2 bedroom house on maybull street.
Just ask him how he did it,
he'll only take a minute,
To tell you everything.
Be a bestfriend, tell the truth,
and over use I LOVE YOU.
Go to work, do your best.
Dont out smart your common sence.
.And the heart of a faithfull women,
Who never let him forget,
be your bestfriend, tell the truth and over use I LOVE YOU.
and go to work and do your best.
and dont out smart your common sence.
Never let your praying knees get lazy.
Always treat your wonen like a lady,
Never get to old to call her Baby.
they called them crazy when they started out,
they've been together 58 years now,

They called them crazy when they started out,
Said 17's to young to no what loves about.
They've been together 58 years now,
Thats crazy.
He brought home 67 bucks a week,
Bought a little 2 bedroom house on maybull street.
Where she blessed him with 6 more miles to see.
Thats crazy.
Just ask him how he did it,
He'll say pull up a seat.
he'll only take a minute,
To tell you everything.
Be a bestfriend, tell the truth,
and over use I LOVE YOU.
Go to work, do your best.
Dont out smart your comon sence.
never let your praying knees get lazy.
they called him crazy when he quit his job.
said then home computers, boy there never take off.
Well he sold his one man shot to microsolft.
and they paid like crazy.
Just ask him how he made it,
He'll tell you faith and sweat.
And the heart of a faithfull women,
Who never let him forget,
be your bestfriend, tell the truth and over use I LOVE YOU.
and go to work and do your best.
and dont out smart your comon sence.
Never let your praying knees get lazy.
Always treat your wonen like a lady,
Never get to old to call her Baby.
Never let your praying knees het lazy.
they called them crazy when they started out,
they've been together 58 years now,

they say;;
that if you truely love someone, all you want is for them to be happy even when they are with someone else other then you;;
I believe if you truely love someone, you will fight with all you have for that special person to be yours.! (:

All i Need;;

He said " I love you with all my heart, sleep good, night babe i love you "
Its all i need(:

True;; really happened to me today<33
Love him so muchhhh!(:
1. male friend: Jackk
2. female friend: Tay/Mary
3. Vacation: Florida
4. age: freshmen. 15
5. memory: Lotss
1. Time of day: morningg
2. Day of the week: Monday
3. Food: Olivess.
4. Memory: who nows.
5. Subject: Bio
1. Person u saw: Matt
2. Talk on the phone with: Taylor
3. Hugged: hehe.
4. IM: Shannon?
1. Kiss: Dakota
2. Serious bf or gf: Dakota&Joey
3. Car: not yett
4. First school: Lincoln
5. Job: babysitting.
1. What are you doing now: txting
2. Tonight: w.e.
3. Wearing: areo jeans and american eagle shirtt
4. What did you eat for lunch: saladd
5: Better than yesterday: suree
1. Is:  Friday(:
2. Got any plans: Durrr. Hockey game with friends and then a partyyy saturday (:
3. Goal: nada
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: have to take a testt in skool.
Do you have work: nahh

1. Number: 19
2: Song: replayy(:
3. Color: Lime-green
4. Season: summerrr. (: <333
5. State: NY
1. Are you in love?: yessir
2. Dating someone: yess(:
3. Missing someone: duh.
4. Mood: fine(:
5. Wanting: it to be satursday(:

1. How old are you?14
2. Do you think you've ever been in love? Yessir 
3. How many guys have you said "i love you" to? 2
4. Have you ever told a guy you loved him and not meant it? no.
5. How old were you when you had your first kiss? like 8 or 9
6. Have you ever fallen for your best guy friend? nopee. 
7. Have you ever used one guy to make another guy jealous? hehe yes.
8. If you really thought you were in love with your best friend's ex, would you date him even if it wasn't okay with her? yess.
9. Hoes before Bros? no.
10. Have you ever asked a guy out? nah.
11. When it comes to looks, you prefer guys with what color hair? brown.
12. Eyes? blue
13. What body type do you look for in a guy? [ex: tall and skinny, short, chubby, muscular..ect] skinny.
14. Hmm okay forget the looks now. Name five qualities you look for in a boyfriend. Smile, Cute, makes me laugh, eyess, nice.
15. Group dates or just the two of you?  just us.
16. What type of guy really catches your eye? [ex: Jock, country, emo, brainy type, ect.] Jock
17. Ever had a broken heart? yess.
18. Celebrity crush? Justin Bieber.
19. Have you ever turned down a really sweet guy that you liked, because of his looks, or because you were embarrassed to be seen with him?  yess.
20. Do you wish you had a second chance with any guy? idk. sorta.
21. What's your idea of a perfect date?  me and him, beach, sunset<3
22. Do you beleive in love at first sight? sorta.
23. Do you think people can stop loving eachother? i wish not.
24. Have you ever stayed in a relationship with a guy you weren't sure you really liked? kinda.
25. Could you imagine dating your best guy friend? noooo.
26. Your best friend broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years last month. She's moved on. Is it okay to date her ex? no way.?
27. Should the guy always pay for the date? duhh.
28. What's the biggest turn on? [ex: good with kids, athletic, good cook ect.] amazzing smile.
29. Do your parents usually approve of your boyfriends? some.
30. Favorite romance movie? theres lots
31. Would you rather have a relationship like Romeo and Juliet, or Noah and Allie? who is Noah and Allie?
32. In your oppinion, can a guy have a really close friend that's a girl, without liking her as a girlfriend? usually no.
33. Musically Talented or Football Star? football star.
34. Is marriage and kids something you look forward to when you're older?' yesss.
35. Have you already thought of names for your children? yessss (:
36. What did you think of this survey? i like it?
37. If enough people were interested, would you take another survey on a different subject? yesss(:


Name One Best Friend- Taylor
Are they always nice to you? Usually

Did you answer definate Yes to the last question? nah.

Why did you choose this friend? she's amazing.

Is this your very best friend over all? yessir.

Do you hang out alot?  all the time

Do you think this person feels the same way about you that you do about them? yupp.

Please explain your answer to the last question. she told me.?

When was the last time you hung out with this person alone? few days ago.

Are you re-thinking the answers you wrote? uh no.

Do you feel that you should go out and make changes with this best friend after going over this test? wtff no.

If so, will these changes be for the better or the worse? i said no.

Was this test helpful? not at all. (:
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