
Joined: June 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 113461
         Hi, Im zijada, z-awh-duh.
Bosnian living in the states . Not letting anyone know where.
Yeah, add my faceboook 

Quotes by xxiwantyu

I'm just too tired,

I can't wait for you forever
even if i want to.

not my format.

Hai , Im young & happy . I know right from wrong .
I make mistakes & it takes me about a dozen times before i learn from them .
Im competitive . I never intentionaly try to hurt people , but sometimes i do.
No one can know me , besides my sisters<3  I hate girls , and yes im aware
hate is a strong word. Be nice and ill think your trying to hard , be yourself .
I dont look up to anyone , im just me .
Me:"Dad say something funny "

Dad :
"well , i cant right now , there's a fly on my head "

Me & My Cousin ,well we die of laughter <3

So i think , WITTY is a girl ,
because when you think
you've figured her all
out ,

¨»she changes .

Dont you find it Funny that after Monday(M) and Tuesday(T),
the rest of the week says WTF?

click the heart ,
if you laughed , or smiled .
If we're not supposed to have late night snacks..
why is there a light in the fridge?

click , (:
 Never be afraid to try something new.
amateurs built the ark.
Professionals built the Titanic.

it takes one click(;
UGGHH , lookk at my quotes please & favorite them <333
I'm [not] going to stress over you anymore.
It isn't worth it. I **tried** to work something out,
but you just ignored it.
I'm not trying to say I don't
want you because I
definitely do.
All I'm saying is;;
I'm done chasing after you.