
Joined: April 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 167444
I'm Amber. =)

Quotes by yellowflower

Where Were You
All of my friends had one.

And I was so jealous.
I never did, nor ever would.
I was the product of a fling.
Every girl is expected to be "daddy's little girl."
But I never got that option.
I was hurt and angry.
All I wanted was for you to love me.
But it was too much to ask I suppose.
I pitied myself for so long.
Now, I pity you.
Because you won't be there to see me bloom.
You won't be there when I get my diploma.
You won't be there when I finish college.
You won't be there when I get married.
Or have babies.
Or see my babies grow up.
You won't be there but that's alright.
They will have more than enough love.
And my baby girl, she's going to have the option to be "daddy's little girl."
Even though I never did.