
Joined: November 20, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 240988
Gender: F

lol hi. i'm taylor. if you talk like this: "hey was up?!" don't talk to me.

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Quotes by youaremylove_

you are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

don't tell me you love me, when all it is, is lies.

You give me hope.


teacher: yup make sure you write in full sentences

remember when One Direction was just a silly boy band? not very famous, just kinda.. there? yeah, look where they are now. ♥

remember when you played with your barbies in front of everyone, without a care?
remember when you didn't care what you looked like?
remember when you didn't care what people thought of you?
remember when you thought your dad was the best thing that ever happen to you?

..yeah. i miss those days.


 yes, thanks. i already knowi'm not perfect.


can't you see?

she's not okay. in fact, she's as far away from
'okay', as anyone could ever be.
stay by her side.



& just for once,
i want to say "i'm fine",
and mean it.


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