Inspirational Quote #1116612
all quotes · inspirational ·

Heres to the times you run away ; Heres to trying something new

Heres to the times you run away ; Heres to trying something new ; heres to calling him at midnight ; heres to the drama and bullshit you ignore ; heres to the first drink ; heres to the last ; heres to the loved ones ; heres to the haters who have nothing to do but hate ; heres to my friends ; heres to the first date ; heres to the first kiss ; heres to the first touch ; heres to the first ; heres to the innocent ones ; heres to my old boyfriends ; heres to homecoming dates ; heres to best friends ; heres to water fights ; heres to all the fun ; heres to summer and all the seasons ; heres to my family ; heres to the kindness that keeps you here ;

Heres to the life we choose to live ; LIVE IT TO THE LIMIT <3
14 years youngg. still livingg :)

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posted October 4, 2009 at 10:45am UTC tagged with inspirational

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