Story Quote #2683798
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Love Never Lasts: Chapter 1 Beep...BEEP...BEEP! BEEPBEEPBEEPBEPP!

Love Never Lasts: Chapter 1

Beep...BEEP...BEEP! BEEPBEEPBEEPBEPP! I groaned as I shoved my noisy alarm to the ground and snuggled back into the warm comfort of my bed."Just five more minutes" I mumbled as I drifted back to school. Just as I drifted off into peaceful slumber, the sound of my mother's voice jolted me awake."Christina! Wake up! The bus comes in 10 minutes!" she sung out from the hall. WHAT!? Ten Minutes? No this wasn't possible! I had only drifted off for like five minutes! Not wasting anytime I groaned and got out of bed. Running to the bathroom, I struggled to get dressed and out the door. Somehow running around like a maniac in the morning just works for me because by the time my bus reached the house, I had gotten ready, straightened my hair (somewhat) and finally made it. But it would be just my luck that I almost died tripping over one of the stairs. Ever think its impossible to fall up steps? Well me and my awkwardness is living proof I guess. "Christina! Over here!" I heard a distant voice calling me. As I looked over the rows of seats I spotted my best friend Maddie motioning over to the seat she had saved. "Hey girl!" I smiled as I approached her. "Heyy whats up? Omg, you look really cute" she grinned eyeing my outfit. "Hahah thanks" I grinned as I looked over my outfit. A white v-neck with a skirt and a cardigan. Not bad for only 10 minutes. :) Throughout the bus ride we talked like there was no tomorrow until we reached our prison. SCHOOL. There is nothing better than school on a Monday Morning. T_T I sighed and walked to the doors with Maddie. Inside a sea of kids appeared before my eyes. I found my group of friends and joined them with Maddie. It was the beginning of a normal day. Or so I thought because suddenly everything went quiet. The gust of wind flew threw the open doors and a dark figure stood in the center. What was this? A freaking movie? Rolling my eyes, I returned my focus on a piece of paper I was playing around with. Until a cool breath send chills up my neck and someone whisphered "Hey Beautiful" from behind me......

*******************TO BE CONTINUED **********************




Sheelbbz 1 decade ago
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This is really good, you should keep writing it.!
With love,
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rcsoccer 1 decade ago
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heyy remi, i found ur story ;)
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5 Wittians like this



posted April 12, 2011 at 7:12pm UTC tagged with story

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