Surveys Quote #2828866
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20 Confessions in 20 Days; 5/07/11 5- a love Dear Connor, Yeah

20 Confessions in 20 Days;
5- a love

Dear Connor,
Yeah I had loved you. A lot. And you didn't understand the feelings I had to you. And you broke my heart. Leaving me without an explanation. Yeah later, what was it, six months later? I got my explanation. And things were finally cool between us. We started hanging out again and our friendship was being restored. But then you didn't something I never thought you'd do. You went after my best friend in the world. And then something else unthinkable happened. She didn't turn you down. Even knowing the pain you caused me... I kicked you out of my life then. And I certainly don't want you back in it.
Sincerely- No one who should be important to you anymore.

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posted May 7, 2011 at 5:11pm UTC tagged with surveys

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