Break Up Quote #3211433
all quotes · break up ·

yesterday, i believed we were perfect; i dreamed about us being

yesterday, i believed we were perfect; i dreamed about us being together forever. but today, i just dream of us being together. simply together. and every single second, i just pray that u change ur mind and that u'll love me again. but it didn't happen yet. what do u mean by us "taking a break"? do u mean it in the way that most guys do? that u like someone else and u're using time as ur excuse? and how could u mean everything u said yet feel like it was all lies? so u didn't love me at all? well of course u didn't. because if u did, u wouldn't have hurt me like this. and u did hurt me. a lot. i would cry every second if my mom didn't forbid me from it. if i were in tokyo, i would have. but why? did i do something? did i say something? or was it just that u met someone else? because i don't think people just wake up in the morning one day and decide to stop loving others. i made the hugest mistake in trusting u that much. but it's not my fault. you made me trust u. you promised me that we'd be together forever. you said we would get married someday. and you promised me that u'd never break up with me. and i believed all that. u are rich, honey. rich in lies. u can't just tell me stuff like that. i really thought u were different but i'm guessing u're not. u disappointed me. really, u did. because i was thinking that maybe i'll never have to listen and sympathize with taylor swift songs because our relationship would be perfect. and now, here i am, listening to forever and always over and over again. but hey, that's teenage love right? guys made up of lies tell us things, and we believe them; then they go ahead and crush our hearts. so it's obviously my fault for believing u, right? it's my fault that u broke up with me. well i'm sorry. sorry that we're just like every teenage couple out there. ordinary. and again, that disappoints me. but u probably don't care right? and just like every other teenage relationship, i still love you. because when i said i'd love you forever, i meant it. because i mean what i say, and i keep my promises. at least, i kept all of the promises i gave u. and even though i know u won't take me back after this summer, because i know u're just like other guys, i'll wait for u. i'll always wait for u. forever, just like i promised. 

sorry, i just really needed to get this off my mind.

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posted July 5, 2011 at 12:54pm UTC tagged with break up

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