Love Quote #4377324
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Last night, while sitting in my room, i stumbled upon my grandmother's

Last night, while sitting in my room, i stumbled upon my grandmother's favorite quote
"Stand up for what's right, even if you're standing alone."
She died more than 5 years ago.

I instantly thought of the phrase in german. that was the first german phrase she taught me. I started balling my eyes out. I don't know how but I realized how good I have it to some people, and how bad I have it compared to others. That's why people apologize for me suffering and them not helping me. People don't understand that I don't want sympathy. I just want people to see why I have to keep a smile on my face on most days, but when I have a frown on my face or a tear running down my cheek, there's something wrong.

Some of the most important people in my life understand, but other must learn or i will snap.
But I will always honor that saying. It is my life motto. Always has, always is

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posted November 19, 2011 at 12:32pm UTC tagged with love

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