Love Quote #4630449
all quotes · love ·

"She is so confused." She doesn't know how she

"She is so confused."
She doesn't know how she feels.
She doesn't know how she should feel.
It's almost like they share the same soul.
He's happy, She's happy.
He's upset, She's upset.
Is that normal.?
To feel someone else's emotions upon you.?
Even though you were feeling the exact opposite before.?
Part of her thinks it is.
The other part says; "You're Crazy."
Which part is right.?
Are they both.?
Yet it isn't always like this.
He isn't always mad, '&& she isn't always this confused.
No, it's actually quite the opposite.
When he's happy, things are so . . . easy.
He teases her; She teases him.
It goes on '&& on (Some playful hitting is involved), but they always end up smiling at each other like idiots.
'&& those few moments they share leave her breathless.
She wonders is he feels breathless too.
She isn't sure.
Lately she isn't sure about anything anymore.
Well actually, that's a lie.
She is sure about one thing.
She doesn't want to let go.
Despite the possibility that she may end up heart, she's going to hold on.
Life isn't worth anything without risks
'&& he is
definitely. worth. it.

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posted December 17, 2011 at 12:48pm UTC tagged with love

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