Story Quote #4979615
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hunted Chapter one "Oh. My.God. I swear to saint freake-"

Chapter one

"Oh. My.God.  I swear to saint freake-"
"I know you worship me, but you really don't have
to call me your God."
"Jase, if you don't shut-up i'm gonna kill you. Slowly and painfully."
"Sheesh Ms> Anger-management, you don't have to go
to extremes."
"I'll show you extremes, you scum-sucking, newborn-murdering, crackhead-never-was
, low-like from hell! You can just go back where you-"
"Guys, chill yourselves!"
"But out Ian!" me and Jase said at exactly the same time.

  "Jeez, with Hayden's temper you'd think she was the fire bender.." Ian muttered.
"Guys... come look at this." Jared ominously said.
The three of us walked over to him, me bumping
Jase to get him out of my way.
"What are we looking at? I don't speek computer remember?" I said,
looking over Jared's shoulder at his Mac laptop. You don't need to know where we got it,
but lets just say it wasn'r 100 percent legal...
"I got something. It says theres these people called Hunters who chase down 'gifted' kids."
"Well what do they do with them?" asked Ian.
"Or to them..." added Jase, in a slightly scared tone.
"Well, it doesn't really say. The computer i hacked- and no it wwasn't the president's,
Hayden- got shut down."
"Well thats just great. That  leaves us back at square on-"
"Trouble." Jase interupted, looking at me with his deep
mediteranian blue eyes.
HHhhHHHHHayden H

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posted January 24, 2012 at 4:47pm UTC tagged with story

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