Friendship Quote #5031361
all quotes · friendship ·

Listen up! I have a friend on here that goes by the name jayciecutie01.

Listen up!
I have a friend on here that goes by the name jayciecutie01.
I don't like how you people have been treating her. Telling her she's ugly, and that she doesn't deserve top quotes. That her quotes aren't good enough. Or that her quotes have no meaning.
First of all, she's not ugly? She's beautiful!! Everyone is beautiful in their own way. The only way someone can be ugly, is if they have a face that matches their personality. Okay?
Second of all, she does deserve top quotes. Want to know why? Because she works to get them!! Things come to her head, and she posts it. It's not her fault that she gets faves. And it's not her fault that you don't! Why blame her for YOUR lack of creativity. I post things that I think ought to be on top quotes, yes, but I'm lucky to get a few faves. Wanna know why I don't throw a fit? Because you people don't think I deserve it! And that's okay, because I'm happy to just be here on witty. And I'm happy that I'm free to express myself!! That's all Jaycie was doing. Expressing herself. She could care less about the faves, but I'm sure it made her feel good to have someone think her quote is worth being on the top quotes.
Thirdly, her quotes DO have meaning. Some people read them, and think wow. I guess I'm not worthless. That's what she does!! She helps people. I'm positive that some people that have read her quotes are still alive today because they made them stop and think that ending it all would not be worth it. All you've done, is push her away, and now she can't help her fellow witty sisters.
Fourthly, you know her name. Not her story. So before you start running your mouth about her, think what it would be like to be her. Wouldn't you be mad if you got a bunch of top quotes because you deserved them, and someone told you differently?
Think before you act. You never know what you could do to someone. And I know I'll probably get alot of grief from this, but I don't care.



1 Comment

xxkeeping_it_realxx56 1 decade ago
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i totally agree with you. no one deserves to be treated that way!
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1 Wittian likes this



posted January 30, 2012 at 7:55pm UTC tagged with friendship

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