Story Quote #5269883
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Hear my cries. chapter 6 // Emily1534 I sat there for a moment

Hear my cries.
  chapter 6 // Emily1534

       I sat there for a moment just staring at him, waiting for him to speak. "Hey," he said to me, smiling. 'Ugh, is he really going to try to pull me in under his trap again?' I thought to myself. "Hi," I responded, trying to act as uninterested as possible. He giggled a little. I think he could tell I was acting just a bit. "Did you see the list in Mr. Johnson's room?" he asked me. "We got paired up to be partners to study for the To Kill A Mockingbird test." 'Ugh, why can't Brian...I mean Mr. Johnson change my partner? I mean seriously. This is not going to be fun! I didn't want to read the book in the first place and now I have to be partners with him?!' I thought to myself. "Yeah, I saw it," I ended up responding to him.
         I started walking down the hall, hoping to get away from him, but he kept following me and he started to actually walk next to me. I decided to break the awkward silence. "So, I was thinking we could do our studying on Skype tonight. How does that sound to you?" I asked. "Oh well I was thinking we could do it at my place tonight at 8 o' clock?" he said to me. I started walking faster. This was getting very awkward and I knew what he was trying to do. "Well, I'm not allowed to go anyway tonight so we will have to do it on Skype I guess!" I said very quickly, walking faster and faster, trying to get away from him. "Oh well maybe next time," I said. Then I added very quickly, "Okay well it's time to go to my next class, bye." And then I ran into the classroom and sat down.

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posted March 4, 2012 at 11:17am UTC tagged with story

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