Vent Quote #5335154
all quotes · vent ·

Dear Witty/witty followers/witty sisters/witty...idk. I think

Dear Witty/witty followers/witty sisters/witty...idk.

I think its time. You are the reason why i'm failing my classes. But i'm in high school so... I can't afford to lose my credits and not graduate(even though I'm barely a Freshmen.) This is gonna be hard. I love every single one you of, even my haters. I love my 200+ followers. I don't think its working out baby. I think we need to break up. Until I can raise my grades. Until I have no more F's. I'm leaving witty. Which makes no difference because I was never famous, and NEVER EVER got a top quote in the front page. I bet no one's even reading this so why do I even bother.

I love my sis Sharpie 76. We had some good talks. I honestly told you everything about me and I feel like I don't have to hide anything from you.

My amazing followers...

those people that faved my quote that got over 200 favs and 176 comments.

The quote that said," Comment and I'll follow you, I'll write you a paragraph, Ill compliment you, Ill rate you."

If I didn't write you one then your gonna have to wait... 'till I come back.

I'll miss you baby. (Is there away to deactivate my account?)

This is gonna be the hardest thing. I LOVE all you and have a wonderful day.

(Today I hear this b*tch say "That b*tch is hella ugly." That made my day.)



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posted March 13, 2012 at 10:41pm UTC tagged with vent

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