School Quote #5417653
all quotes · school ·

Today, when I got to school, I went to my locker and did what

Today, when I got to school, I went to my locker and did what I had to do before I went to class. I went in late due to an orthodontist appointment. We had like ten minutes left of my last class so I just decided to wait outside my D period. I was reading the posters from our recent project that were on the wall outside, and I turned to my right to look into the classroom. In the classroom, in my perfect view, was my best friend. I moved half a centimeter to get past a guys head, and there was her face. As soon as she saw me, we both smiled. It was the best part of my whole day. Earlier this morning, I argued with my mom, and everything felt like sh*t, but then that happened, and my day was complete.  

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posted March 27, 2012 at 6:59pm UTC tagged with school

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