Story Quote #5886435
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Once Upon A Spell - Five - **Please read** I'm sorry. I know


Once Upon A Spell
- Five -

**Please read**
I'm sorry. I know the beginning has been kind of slow, but we're getting there! There's just been a lot of setting to unwrap, so bare with me!:) I love all my readers! Also, please check out thesesweetmoments. Her story is great! xoxoxo

Noah’s Point of View

“Dad, you can’t do that,” I protested, squinting at him in disbelief.
“Oh yeah?” he challenged, “Why not? She’s acting like a lunatic.”
“Because she’s your wife…and my mom.”
He frowned looking defeated and stood up, looking my mom in the face, pointing a finger at her nose.
“You tell me the truth right now. I don’t need these kind of jokes right now.”
I couldn’t help but notice how nervous and helpless my mother looked, practically crouching underneath my father, who was now towering over her.
“Listen to mom,” Evan said to Dad, “Maybe you’re the one that’s gone mad, Pop.”
I didn’t even notice my brothers had joined us in the kitchen.
My dad’s jaw clenched. He sighed, ran a hand down his face, and took a step back from my mother.
“How could you ever say that to me, Jim?” he whimpered, her eyes almost angry, “You think I would lie to you about something like this? I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Kylie. I’m going to tell you the truth. I just need you all to listen to me.”
“I’m listening,” my father grunted, curling his upper lip.
“I’m a witch. Families, whose ancestors started out as male witches, or warlocks, pass the gene down to their sons. Families whose ancestors started as witches pass the gene down to their daughters, therefore, Kylie got the gene and now she has powers, too,” my mother started, looking focused and aware, “Kylie is the Electum. It means chosen one in Latin. Rose Kassandra was the first witch in our family. There’s a lot to explain. Long story short, Rose was in love with the most powerful warlock of all time, Patrick Coughlan. When she broke her heart, he cursed her and her family. If the curse were ever broken, her family would be set free. However, the curse can only be broken if a descendant’s heart is ripped from her chest.”
My father flinched, but Mom continued.
“They’re called the Investigators. They’re the descendents of Patrick Coughlan, the ones who know it all. They know Kylie’s the chosen one, and they want to kill her. But don’t worry, that’s the whole reason why Dr. Mage was at our door today. He’s going to bring her to Mage’s School of Witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. Of course, the school has been kept a secret for years since accusations about witches were made in Salem around the time it was founded. Mage’s ancestor was a good friend of Kassandra’s, so he’s going to try to help her. He’s going to make sure she knows how to use her powers so she can defend yourself when they come for her.”
It took us all a few minutes to absorb what she had just told us. Kylie. Dead. It was all too much to take in at once. My little sister, the girl I’ve looked after since she was born, the girl who always knew how to stop the fights between my brothers and me, the girl who had so many friends and family who cared about her, the girl who never did anything bad to anyone, the girl who doesn’t deserve to die. I never dreamed she’d be put in a situation like this. I never dreamed any of us would have to face this.
“You mean…you knew Kylie was going to die since she was born, but you never told anyone?” I shot.
My mother took a deep breath before speaking any further, “No. I tried to keep her hidden. I changed my identity, moved houses, started a family, got a job…everything I needed to do to escape from their grasps. But, when Dr. Mage showed up at my door today, I knew there was no escaping this mess.”
“What do you mean you changed your identity?” questioned Dad.
“Well, since I married you, I changed my first name from Anne to Alison and my last name from Kassandra to Hemlock. “
“All to keep Kylie safe?” he continued to press.
“Yes, all to keep my daughter alive. I’m sorry I failed you, but it would’ve turned out this way if I didn’t try to hide her anyway. I did the best I can,” she whispered, looking downwards, ashamed of herself.

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posted June 20, 2012 at 12:02am UTC tagged with story

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