Best Alligatorsky Quotes Ever

We're Just Friends

"I swear to God if you don't wake up right now, Chloe-"
"I'm getting up, okay?" I rolled out of bed. I didn't want to hear Luke's threat. He was standing next to my door with his drawstring bag, already dressed for school. That boy gets up so early and he's all ready for school before he comes over to my house to wake me up. How?
I jumped in the shower and it was a struggle not to fall asleep. I got out and got dressed in a pair of peach colored shorts and a tangerine tank top that had an open back.
"Show enough skin today? It's the first day of school not your first day at hooters."
I turned the blow dryer to off and glared at him.
"Let it go." I turned the blow dryer back on. 20 minutes later I was in Luke's car on my way to school.
"Junior year." I mumbled just loud enough for me to hear myself over the radio.
"Noooooo." Luke smirked, joking.
Luke and I have been friends since we learned how to pee in toilets. So... a while. And honestly, we were trusted with everything. He spent the night almost every night. I'm not going to lie to you and say we never fight, because we do. And anyone that tells you that they don't fight with their best friend is lying. It's just impossible, right? Exactly.
We pulled into Luke's parking spot in his overrated car that apparently boys really like and wish they all had.
I walked across the parking lot to the picnic table where my female friends were sitting.
"Chlo!" Taylour gave me a huge hug. "I haven't seen you all summer! Where ya been?"
I avoided admitting the truth, that I sat at home on tumblr and being a lazy nothing for two months.
I pointed to Luke, who was about 10 paces behind me still.
"We went on a vacay..." I sighed. "To the shed in my backyard."
Taylour and Poppy exchanged looks. Then I realized what I said.
"I mean, we made it really cool... we put christmas lights in it, and soft rugs... and stuff. So yeah, it's nice."
Taylour didn't look convinced, but she knew me well enough not to question it anymore.
"Okay.. see you in chem?" She looked at me then Poppy. I half smiled and they turned and walked away.
I sighed and sat on the picnic table. Luke finally caught up and sat next to me.
"What'd you tell them?"
"Nothing, I didn't tell them anything."
"Oh..." Luke wasn't done talking, but the 5 minute bell for class rang through the morning air.
"Come on, we're gonna be late!" He grabbed my arm but I got up and jogged a few steps toward his car.
"I left a... a bobby pin in your car! I'll see you later!"
When I got to his car, the whole school yard was deserted.
I sighed and put my back to the car, putting my head in my hands.
If only the girls knew what really happened this summer.

Okay! So now we're gonna go back in time to the beginning of Chloe's summer.
The next chapter and the rest of the story will be about last summer okay?
I don't wanna confuse everyone so just yeah...


We're Just Friends
Chapter One

*Three Months Before*

I was sitting on the floor at my grandma's huge house in the living room. She had invited me and my 14 cousins to her house for a little reunion since my family was spread across the United States. Luckily for me, grandma's house was only down the street. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins were spending the night. I was the only cousin still awake, all of the adults were ridiculously drunk in the basement.
I got up and went to the front door. I had to slip out quietly, it was 1am and I clearly wasn't allowed out this late.
I smiled into the warm but not hot summer night air. I had three monthes ahead of me to just let go.
I walked down the street, knowing I should get off the main road before one of my sober cousins was called to go for a beer run.
I turned onto a street that I walked down every day to go to school. There was only a few street lights and a long walk to get to the next corner, but I kept going. I knew the street too well.
I was almost to the end of the street when I heard a dog bark. I whipped my head around. There's always a dog barking in movies right before the girl is about to get kidnapped. I did a quick 360 and kept going on my way. I was almost there; keep going.
I kept my head down for a while, wondering if anyone knew I was gone yet. I hadn't felt my phone vibrate with a text or a phone call, so I guessed not.
I looked up suddenly and saw someone walking towards me.
Relax, it's just a person. Not everyone wants to kidnap people, you know.
I was thinking about turning and running, but figured I'd offend the person.
I held my breath as the person walked by, head down.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I screamed and tripped, falling to the ground.
I was shaking everywhere and covered my face, snuggling the asphault.
I should've just stayed at Gram's.

We're at the very beginning of the previous summer now, okay guys?
The story is going to take place in the whole summer.
Okay, thanks for reading! I love you all! ♥

I could use a welcome back hug, you guys(;
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