Best Ava Quotes This Month

's P.O.V

My name is Crystal.
I come from England, and that's why I have a thick, British accent.
I have a deep dark secret that only my family knows.
I'm a good witch.
No one believes in fairytales and beautiful creatures, like fairies or unicorns; now you should.
Now I'm going to tell you a story.
A story where a little girl named Ava found out about me.
I was in the middle of using my powers; then a girl, she looked about sevenish, walked by, and asked me what I was doing.
"Promise you won't tell anyone?" I whispered.
She nodded eagerly, and her eyes widened when I told her I was a witch.
She was excited; she was still one of those girls that wanted to be a fairytale princess when she was older.
"Tell me why you're here, in the dark, on the street, alone." I demanded.
"I-I'm homeless," she wailed.
I gasped. "I'll help you find a new home," I said softly.
"Are you good or bad?" she asked in a quiet voice.
"I'm a good witch," I replied, truthfully. "You can live with me."
Ava's eyes lit up. They were glowing so bright.
"Thank you so much! You saved my life!" she hugged me.
"You're welcome," I smiled.

I was in the bathroom, with a long blue dress on.
It had twinkles of silver that went along with it, which went well with my straight, blonde hair.
I walked out of the bathroom, calling to Ava. "I'm done! You can come in now."
When she got out, we just sat on two, white couches, as I poured some tea into little expensive glass cups.
There was a little glass table in front of us, as I put my tea there.
We got to know each other a lot, and I gave Ava a pair of spare crystal, dangly earrings.
We had a lot of fun, until the doorbell rang.
I opened the door, and I smiled.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.
It was my best friend. His name is Julian.
"Can I talk to you in private?" he asked, eyeing Ava curiously.
"Sure," I said, signalling to Ava to wait there.
"You're a good witch, I know it," Julian said.
"I just haven't told you, I'm a wizard, and Leah is a half-human, half-werewolf."


  so guys, new series! um. uhhh Leah is Crystal's other best friend. hope. u . like .
i notify


 Chapter 2
's P.O.V

"Hi Leah," I said, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
She shrugged, looking away from me.
"Is there anything wrong?" I asked softly.
There was silence, until Leah spoke up.

"I'm so sorry I got you into all this trouble!" she cried. "It's all my fault. This is just too dangerous for you. I can't be your best friend anymore. I broke all my promises. I can't tell you... this, is a secret, although best friends are supposed to know each others secrets."
I held up my hand for a moment. "What are you talking about?"

She sighed, looking down at the floor. "Okay, I'll explain... you know I'm a wolf, but.. I'm not good like you, Crystal. I'm the opposite of good. I'm bad, as in evil. I work with the evil queen. And that queen is trying to destroy all the good creatures in this land! She started off with you. She made me cast a spell on you. I had no choice, Crystal. Otherwise she would kill me! As in, stab my heart! I knew it was the wrong decision. I already regret it. Look, I'm sorry I broke our friendship. I just thought I needed to experience life a little longer. But I didn't mean for you to die soon! You've got 100 days left to defeat the evil queen. I'm bad, but I'll be on your side. Don't worry. I'll give you all my powers for 100 days, starting from tomorrow. Then, you can cast spells and do that stuff. One last time, I'm sorry. I guess I should just walk away, and... well, unfriend you. We'll meet again tomorrow. Plus, you still have Julian. I don't care what you think anymore. She didn't give me a choice."
And with that, she ran off.

I didn't know what to say.
I was going to get killed in 100 days?
Why couldn't Leah tell me before?
This was the worst piece of news I had ever received in my whole entire life.


"Hey Ava!" I smiled as I closed the door behind me.
"Crystal!" she giggled.
I couldn't leave this girl, ever.
She was like a little sister to me.
I couldn't tell her.
No, I just couldn't.
"Okay, Ava, I really got to go to a friends house right now, you be good, alright?"
Ava nodded gleefully, her eyes shining.

I walked out, grabbing my phone.
I punched in Sienna's phone number, waiting for her to pick up.
Luckily, she picked up on the first ring.
"Crystal, what do you want?" she sounded nervous.
I explained to her about the situation with Leah, and then Sienna said she had terrible news as well.
"What is it, Sienna?" I asked, worried.
Sienna sighed through the phone. "You probably don't want to hear this, but I'm...pregnant. 

Such a juicy chapter, loll.
Okay, so that was sort of a twist there, when Sienna said she was pregnant.
And that bit about Crystal...
ok I admit this story is based on one TV show, one story on Wattpad, and a book that has a movie coming out as well...
So if you fave the most recent chapter, I'll notify you.
That's because I'm cool like that (:
Anyways, yeah. That's all.
Bye bye!
(Sorry updating can be slow. Really busy these days!)


 Chapter 1
's P.O.V

"Why didn't you bother telling me?" I whispered.
"It was a secret. Leah didn'" Julian winced, biting his lip.
"Howcome?" I asked.
"Ava, sweetie, I'm going to school now! I'm going to get Sienna to take care of you!" I waved goodbye.
Sienna was my sister - she lives with her boyfriend.
I caught up to Leah at school.
"Hey," I said in a low voice. "What's up?"
Leah squirmed, avoiding eye contact.
Leah has luscious, chocolate brown hair and hazel coloured eyes - you wouldn't expect her to be half-werewolf.
"Hi," she finally answered, not looking up. "Did Julian tell you...?"
"Yes he did," I said softly, running my fingers through my hair.
"Well, did he tell you about the bit-"
The bell rang, interuppting the both of us and our little conversation.
"Sorry, gotta go," I said, racing to class.
"Ava?" I called as I set my bag down on the floor.
Ava was hanging with Sienna, as I smiled at her.
"Hey, sis, thanks for coming and babysitting Ava!"
Sienna rolled her eyes, took out her phone and said, "no problem, little one."

Yeah, so apparently this chapter is short, but I promise I'll make the next chapter longer! I had nothing to write here, and I don't want the juicy details to come in too fast.


   Every day I wake,
   I tell myself a little harmless lie,

   The whole wide world is mine.

There is a place to hide,
It's in our minds,
It's in the dark.
It's well known that we have a fragile heart
Its deep inside,
It has a sound that you can follow.
In the end, I'm just the annoying, clingy girl nobody likes. Right?

 Chapter 5

I laughed at Leah, giggling hysterically at her anxiety.
"Oh, don't worry Leah," I purred, chucking lightly to myself, "I've got it all under cover."
Problem was - I really didn't have anything undercover.
But if Leah believed me, then it'd all be fine, and I wouldn't have to stress.
"Really," Leah said, not showing any emotion on her face.
But I could read her face like a book, perfectly.
She was just worried, that's all, right Regina?
She's not going to shoot me in the face, right Regina?
"Come on Regina," Leah urged. Her tone was calm, but she really was angry.
"What are you going to do with her?"
I laughed confidently, but inside I was a nervous wreck.
"Me? What did I do? Crystal would be fine. I heard she's a strong and independent girl. I heard Emma Ston-"
Leah raised an eyebrow unconfidently, crossing her arms, while pacing the room back and forth.
"Why did you bring Emma Stone into this little talk? Are you really faking confidence at this moment?"

Ava's P.O.V
School again?
I scrunched up my face unattractively in disgust.
When I got there, I saw Regina in a new building.
It was meant for girls only.
It's basically a salon and they have a spa where they do you hair, makeup and give you manicures and stuff.
I hate that place, only the populars go there.
I walked inside the building, spying on Regina.
"Oh yes! I'm captain in Science Club now! Yes, certainly! Definitely! Aw, babe, WHAT?! I can't believe you said that to me? Just defending your little friend Crystal...? You know what, faking confidence is the key. That's how you become popular. Why I change the subject you ask? I thought you wanted to listen to it...? No? Oh, okay, well OMG! There's that Ava girl I hate. How dare you defend her! She's a b.tch! Oh, yeah, about Science. I've created a few spells, mixtures and potions to put in the recipe book for 'Happily Ever After'. That recipe book is SUPER important to me. Basically, I just love to make potions and spells. I wish one day I had a fantasy, enchanted kingdom full of evil, gloom and darkness. That'll be the day when I rule the world. You think I'm not going to rule the world? Well get a spell of this! I'm going to use my communication banishment powers. Evil is where I go. And like I said, faking confidence is the key. Bye Julian! If you need any help with things, just ask!"
That's basically what I heard Regina say.
And she was talking to... JULIAN?

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time! I took a break. well I hope you guys are still interested. 2 big things revealed, wow! xoxo


 Chapter 4
s P.O.V

"What do I f/cking do?" I screamed at Julian. "My best friend is going to die!"
Julian shrugged. "You can't do anything, really."
"Are you freaking serious? Do I defeat this queen or what?"
"Don't ask me, I've got nothing to do with it."
"You're her best friend!"
"You are too. I'll leave it up to you." he walked out.
What did I do?

Ava's P.O.V

"Ava, you're going to school!" Crystal shouted.
"No," I whispered to myself.
This was the moment I had been dreading.
This was going to be the worst moment of my whole entire life.
The worst.
This was the moment when I had to face school, and the kids who bullied me.
Of course, I can't tell Crystal about that, never.
I walked outside, the cold breeze carrying me through the wind.
I reluctantly walked to school.
It was a ten minute walk. Urgh, how I hated school.
As I stared up at it, I caught her eye.
That girl was mean to me.
An older, senior girl.
Her name was Regina.
She was like that evil queen in those fairytales that little girls read.
Little girls like me.
Regina is an A class student in Science, especially chemistry.
She's a fashion queen.
She comes from America.
She's part of the Science club.
She's part of the cheerleading team.
She's perfect.
Everyone adores her.
She's the most popular girl in the school.
That's her.
And that evil glint in her eyes and that wicked smile she deliberately puts on makes her seem a little suspicious...

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time! I won't upload 'Pretend It's Ok' on DontLetThemGetToYou right now. Sorry! x


Waking up one morning to this<33
Ava Michaud
This song Selena, "I wouldn't Mind - He Is We" it just letting you know I'm gonna be by your side no matter what, how things end up and how far we are. I'm gonna do everything to be by your side. Your my forever & always Bestfriendforever<3 I don't want anything to change the only thing that could change is our friendship getting more stronger & closer than we already are. Your apart of my life, you can't leave your my life Selena you know everything about me from dislikes to likes, how I am and what I always enjoy. Thanks for always being there sticking by my side and helping me through it thick & thin I love you for that and I'm here for you forever & always even though we won't be at the same school, it's going be hard not seeing you everyday but I have things to remember & could see visually that will remind me of you. We have to take as many pictures as we can & upload that sh/t and ill print it out for us :) I could never be as happy as I am now, cause your my Bestfriendforever, nobody could change that. So what we knew eachother for 3 1/2 years now that doesn't define are friendship, I'm glad I've met you and had the chance to be your Bestfriendforever. Btw I'm getting you another teddy bear cause of what you told me, just so you'll remember me the Sri Lankan. If i ever lose you, you won't know how I would feel, words won't be able to describe me after and my feelings. Whenever you’re down chat me up not matter what, I wanna do whatever I could to make you smile and be happy. I'd do anything for you, I'll even try to carve cookies into the moon, but I'll have to become and astronaut first :) you’re the bestest friend I ever had, I've never has a friendship like this and I'm glad its with you. I couldn't have asked for a better Best friend forever. But I gonna stop here cause I'm crying just typing this. Loveyouselenaevesantosdeandrade stay strong for me please, I just ask for you to be happy & stay strong. :) smile it's the prettiest accessory you could wear Selena love you with all my heart!
Love me, Avajeanmichaud the srilankan & your Bestfriendforever xoxo

And do you ever lay awake at night?
And do you ever told yourself, don't try
Don't try to let yourself down, don't try to let yourself down
Angels & Airwaves

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