Crew Quotes

You can fall in the hole dug by the crew u walk with b'se U ignored to know how does that crew, don't take everyone U meet as real.
I f*cked up today...

I got upset and said some things I probably shouldn't have said.

I regret everything I said, even if I never learned the truth.  I never meant a word that came out of my mouth.  I just hate being left out of things.  I'm a sensitave guy, you know.  You guys are my best friends and I would never do anything to lose you.  Every weekend I look forward to hopefully making plans with you, and when we don't I feel lonely even though we're all still texting.  I don't think I could live without you guys.  I'm honored to be a part of the crew, I love you guys.

Please forgive me?
I might let my crew bang. 
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