Debate Quotes

That debate you have with yourself

on whether or not you should fav a really good quote but with a spelling mistoke.
So, there's this girl on facebook,
and all day she posts pictures 
and statuses about having a
chronic pain disorder,
and the pictures always says
around the same thing.
They usually say something like
"Just because you can't see it,
doesn't mean it's not real!
I'm not pretending!!!"
and all I can think is that she
has actual proof if anyone denies 
it's real, but what about people
with mental disorders? No one
can see that, and a whole h.ell of a lot
of people never go get diagnosed
because they're scared or they can't
afford to go or can't afford to have something
be wrong with them.
I have misophonia, and it's pretty much
self-diagnosed (appart from the family
members that brought it to my attention)
because not even the majority of doctors
recongnize it as a real thing.
Misophonia is like a tree,
and it has branches of social anxiety 
and depression and etc.,
(I'm not going to go into detail about
what misophonia is on this quote 
because that's not what this is about.)
yet that girl is the first person to call someone
out saying that that isn't real, that people
with mental problems are faking for attention.
I don't understand how someone can sit
on a computer all day, post pictures and
statuses about their "invisible condition"
and say other people are asking for attention,
call others out for being fake for exactly the same reason.
And yeah, I know, people who say they're OCD
just because they like order is annoying, and people
who say they're depressed after having one bad day,
and even people who say they have misophonia
because one person's chewing annoys them slighty
IS ANNOYING, but that doesn't mean everyone is
faking. It doesn't mean that mental conditions aren't real.
So if you feel that you are criticized so much
about your chronic pain disorder, that you have to
post 50 pictures a day about it, then maybe you
shouldn't criticize other people's pain and struggles,
maybe if you learnt to respect others then you might 
actually get some yourself.
Sincerely, stfu.
/uhh there's not really a category for this sooo funny it is? if selecting a category still does anything...

Me at a school debate:

omg he's soo cute
Me: What the heck is he doing in debate club?
Me: I should talk to him
Me: We shook hands at the last debate
Me: We're soulmates
Me: He obviously feels the same way
Me: What should I say?
Me: I probably won't ever se you again, so it won't make a difference
Me: But I think you're really cute
Me: ..............
Me: Genius!
Me: *walks near boy*
Boy: *Looks at me*
Me: He wasn't that cute.....

So my dad and I are having a debate.

Do you like ketchup or mustard better on a hot dog?

I say ketchup, he says mustard.


Fav for ketchup

Comment for mustard!

This isn't a fav begging thing, i just want to see who wins. xD
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