Iwantittobeseen Quotes

A Super Simple Witty Profiles Guide to Handling the People Who Make the Internet Experience Unpleasant: 

When Dealing With Trolls and Otherwise Ignorant People:
1. Do not feed the troll. At all. Do not comment, not even sarcastically. 
Report it, block them, ignore them, move on. Even if reporting it does nothing and it is never deleted, they will see from the lack of response that their time could be better spent doing something productive rather than attempting to stir up arguments.
2. If they attack you, delete the comment and block them. It's super simple and super quick! It works wonders too because once you block them they can not bug you. Wow. Imagine that.
3. Do not be a troll yourself. Do not purposely say something just to upset, offend, or otherwise antagonise other users. You are not funny, cute, or original. You are annoying and you make the whole Internet experience way less enjoyable for everyone. Be considerate of other people.

When Dealing With People You Do Not Agree With:
1. The simplest, easiest way to deal with seeing a quote or comment you do not like is to ignore it. Do not report it or give it a thumbs down unless what they are saying actually causes a problem; you cannot try to get someone's comment deleted simply because it is an opinion you do not agree with. That is unfair and quite self-centred. 
2. If what they are saying that you do not agree with is horribly misinformed, go on and comment, but try to be nice. Try to include links to correct information and politely explain to them that what they are saying is incorrect. Try to be nice in encouraging them to educate themselves, such as saying "I'm glad you have such a strong opinion, but you may want to double-check your facts just to be certain."

When Dealing With a Cyberbully:
1. Block, ignore, report. Continue reporting until action is taken. If no action is taken, perhaps give Steve a polite, short comment explaining the situation but please, do not demand that he deletes their profile. Steve is a busy man and he will take whatever actions he thinks are needed. If the bullying is really that bad, you need to talk to an adult.
2. If they continually make new accounts to bully you, as unfair as it is, you may need to either take a break from the website until Steve or someone else can do something about them, or create a new account of your own. As stated before, if the bullying is bad you need to tell an adult you trust. It does not have to be a parent; it can be a counselor or a teacher. Remember, when you talk to a school counselor they are required to keep whatever you tell them confidential unless they think you are somehow in immediate danger. 

If we can all follow these simple, easy steps this website will be a much more pleasant place. I know I'm guilty of doing the exact opposite in a lot of these situations, so I say we all make a conscious effort to try to handle things maturely. Thanks a bunch. :)

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