Judgement Quotes

...where others might slide in and be allowed to be ordinary,
those of us who come in pre-judged are forced to make ourselves

Take it as a challenge, and break the mold so [those] who come after you
might not have to fight quite so hard to be accepted in the future.

*sizing, italics and colour was altered by me for effect


Original Quote:
And that is the female engineer's silver lining (as it is for anyone coming into a profession as a minority, be it your ethnicity, gender, or just the college you came from): where others might slide in and be allowed to be ordinary, those of us who come in pre-judged are forced to make ourselves extraordinary. Take it as a challenge, and break the mold so the women who come after you might not have to fight quite so hard to be accepted in the future.

~ http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2014/08/12/339638726/many-women-leave-engineering-blame-the-work-culture 

I am incredibly awkward and negative. I get attached easily, and I hold on for too long. I don’t like opening up to people. Most five year old children can express their feelings better than me. I hide behind my fake smiles. I’m probably one of the most difficult people you will ever meet. But I can be sweet. I’m a great listener. I’ll guard your secrets with my life. I will never judge you based on your mistakes, and I’ll love you as much as I can. I can be, if you let me, one of the best things in your life.
How many of us store away our candid opinions
in the depths of our overly labyrinthine minds, and for
all of societies constant spews about freedom of speech,
how many of us are confident with comfortably voicing
our most honest beliefs?

I hardly ever write on paper - On the rare occasions that I do, the pages are promptly torn to pieces and flushed down the toilet. Because I always fear people finding little scraps, which in themselves hold fragments of my life. I prefer the infinite blank page of cyberspace, where strangers know everything family doesn't. Because strangers can't tattle to your mother, and they can't ever break you down with a disappointed gaze.

The women were smart in that they whispered behind manicured hands and giggled in a hush, judged silently with slanted eyes, unaware that whilst they were stealth the paranoid mind can hear many.

All our best men are laughed at
in this nightmare land.
I've lied through my teeth my whole life.
My dentist complains that I lie too much, and as a consequence I hardly have any teeth left. I try to be more honest, so that I can salvage the few teeth I have left, but being truthful is difficult when you live in fear of being judged.
How am I supposed to grow when your words dose me in a pesticide that kills all that has ever lived within me? I can't flourish when you're constantly pulling at the weeds that grow between the cracks of my concrete body.

Being judged by anyone else doesn't bother me,
but being judged by you in a bad way, really RUINS my day :(
Telling someone with DEPRESSION to “Just get over it and be happy” is like telling someone with a broken leg to run to a hospital.

Telling someone with an EATING DISORDER to “Just Eat” is like telling someone with claustrophobia to get inside a small cupboard and lock the door.

Telling someone who SELF-HARMS to “Just stop doing it” is like telling a drug addict to sit in a room full of drugs and touch nothing.

How can you judge what you don’t understand?

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