Truefeelings Quotes

It's time to hide your crazy,
                                                     and start actin' like a lady.
Can I just say, that I am sorry?
I'm sorry that you flirted with someone who
used to be my best friend and it bothered me.

I'm sorry that you think you were 'just being nice' when you were flirting. It's not me 'being insecure' its messed up that you'd say that.

I'm sorry that I told you it hurt when you acted really
distant and treated me like crap, thinking you'd  fix it.

I'm sorry that I was nothing but perfect to you, and tried
and you were nothing but an a$%hole but yet I'M wrong.

I'm sorry that I didn't ruin your birthday when you and
the girl you like, oh yeah my 'best friend' ruined mine.

I'm sorry that I still care even though you're 'done with me'
and a real man doesn't choose when/if he likes you or not.

I'm sorry that a week ago you 'loved' me and now we're
friends who don't talk and are awkward as heeeeell....

I'm sorry I believed you when you said you could change,
and it would be different this time around. I should have known.

Most importantly, I'm sorry for your loss, because sweetie I promise,
no one will ever care about you as much as I did. Remember that.


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