Youareneveraloneimalwaysheretohelp Quotes

Dear bully
How does it make you feel putting me down every day?
Does it make you feel good?
Do you get happy seeing me cry and break down?
Words hurt me like nothing else
Every time you call me hurtful words I just want to die that much more
I guess I don't know your situation or story
Maybe their is more to you than I know
Maybe you get abused at home or get no attention
Maybe you are jealous of me
Or maybe you just are really insecure
I don't know why you bully
And I'm not going to stoop to your level
Because that would make me a bully
I hope you know the pain I'm in every day
Not all of it is because of you but most of the pain is
I have a low self esteem and because of you I'm afraid to be myself
I shouldn't care what others think but somedays I just want to belong
Sometimes I want to self harm like I used to
But I don't want to let you win
I've worked so hard to where I am today
I have people who love me for who I am and treat me with respect but then I have people like you
Why can't we be friends?
Maybe we could get along and I could help you
Maybe if you really got to know me you would actually like who I am
Wouldn't life be easier that way?
I really wish you could give me a chance
It hurts to be bullied for things I can't change
But me being hurt seems to make you feel better
Well I'm glad you feel good about yourself
Every night you go to bed I hope you realize that you're the reason someone cries themself to sleep
You're the reason that someone doesn't want to go to school because they are tired of being bullied
I hope you feel good
And thank you for making me feel this way
I'm not letting one person ruin my life
I have so much more to live for
I have a couple true friends, I have two beautiful nieces and I have future plans that I haven't finished yet
This is just something for you to think about
I hope you have a great day
Sincerely the victim
P.s. see these scars? they were because of you but I'm not letting you win anymore
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