
Joined: August 22, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 326722
Gender: F

1DandMe139's Favorite Quotes

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This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

I Shouldn't Love You 
But I always will.



  You could tell me that I'm Beautiful.

You could say to my face that I'm Breathtaking.

      You could tell me every single day of my life that I'm  Gorgeous.


But I will never,ever, believe you.

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This quote does not exist.
Mirror, Mirror, on my wall,

I want to be pretty, thin, and tall. 
Mirror, Mirror, if I change my hair,
Maybe then someone will start to care?
Mirror, Mirror, if I starve myself,

At least I'll be beautiful.  Forget my health.
Mirror, Mirror, if I cut my wrist,

Will I finally feel like I exist?

Mirror, Mirror, don't you see?

What you show is ruining me.

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♥ Somebody Asked Me 

If I knew you
A  Million Memories Flashed Through My Head
And I Just Smiled
And Said
 I Used Too.