
Joined: September 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216897

AmberTheEskimo3's Favorite Quotes

Things that make boys 10x hotter

Six packs


hot body

messy hair

amazing smile

picking you over his xbox

skinny jeans

cute laugh



When your teacher

Messes up a word,
And the whole class is trying
Not to laugh.

Hey girl, feel my sweater.

Know what that's made of?

boyfriend material.


Silly boy;
If you wanna be together,
you have TO-GET-HER.

That awkward moment when

You have 10 minutes left for your exam,
And suddenly you remember

 am I really that


My Weekends During:
The Summer- Sleep, Party, Tan, Party, Sleep
The School Year- Homework, homework, and more Homework

This quote does not exist.

I am not
that bubbly, happy girl that

you see at school everyday...

no...on the inside, I'm quiet,

looking for a reason to be loved..♥♥♥