
Joined: August 5, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 85269


Caelins_fan_art's Favorite Quotes

i prefer the winter cold.
You Can See My Breath&

credit to googleme[:
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
 what we write on here
c o l d  p u t  h m  i n  t e a r s
what we write on here
o u l d   b u r n  a  h o l e  i n  h i s  h e a r t
what we write on here
c o u l d  c h a n g e  h i s  m i n d
what we write on here
a r e  t h e  t h i n g s  w e ' r e  t o  a f r a i d  t o  s a y  o u t  l o u . .

Please don't treat people like this.
A boy named Patrick is a
special needs child.
He was on a cruise with his uncle when a lady said to them,
"Get this little special need child out of my way."
And motioned him to go.
His uncle then said, "Excuse me,
this child is autistic.

You don't need to speak to him that way. I'm his uncle."
The lady replied, "Oh, well then I don't need to talk to you either."
And put her hand up in their faces.
Later, the boy went up to some girls and said;
"Hi my name is Patrick what's your name?!"
The girls
laughed in his face and walked away.
Is this really how people just like us should be treated?


*a motivational speaker, jeff yalden, said this.
i would like you to favorite this to show Patrick
and other autistic or special needs people that
we care.


& You know what's weird??
I don't know a single person,
who doesn't know all the words //♥
>>                          to the Dora theme song.


who remembers watching the Amanda show;;
and debbie,,the girl who likes eggs?

Ha, you silly girls.
unlike you, I don't rush to my phone everytime it lights up.
I set a personal ringer, so I know when it's him. <3

Don't   hate   me   cause   I'm   beautiful;
//hate me cause your boyfriend thinks I am. [;


We're Best Friends,,

It doesn't matter how stinky our farts are.

We'll still laugh at them.
