
Joined: October 16, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 227828

Hello there♥ My name is Karley Rozak; I am 13 and live in Illinois! I see you have come on my witty. If the reason you have come here is because you could relate to my quotes than I would be more than happy to talk to you about it(: ++++++++++++++++ Okay, well I will now tell you a little about myself I am a typical teenage girl. Living her life through heartbreak. I've been through a lot but probably no where close to some of you. I love country music. I grew up with it and it just calms me down. Some artists that I love (might not even be country) are Adele, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Demi Lavato and much more. I have never figured out what I am good at. I am in 0 sports or groups/clubs and I have a very small amount of friends. I love my friends like sisters♥ I have many pets and sure it might be wierd but I feel like they listen to you so I tell my pets my secrets. I love my family very much. I really don't have much to say becasue I am sure my qoutes will explain so much more♥
Live your life to the fullest♥

Forever_Alonee's Favorite Quotes

You call it jealousy, I call it fear of losing you.


we all have that one friend that
laughs like a drugged



Putting on Headphones
and it seems like suddenly everbody wants to talk.


my format:)

                                                    liking someone you can't have. 

     ends tonight.  my  childhood  is  officially  over                                 


Jusoutta curiosity;
Favorite if your not pregnant.
Comment if you are.

me : im going to sleep 

tv : lol but good shows are on
ipod : sleep? wait, is that a new app?!
sleeping position: lol im not gonna be comfortable
mind : what's the meaning of life though ?
tempurature : lol its too hot , nahh now its cold. . . nvm its hot again
scary noises : oh you said be louder ? okay.

me : why .

I hate thshow "16 anPregnant" so much.
There are 13 year old kids fighting cancer.

Where is their TV show?


I 'm an endangered species. it's called

teenage virgin