
Joined: October 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 224328
Oh, well hey thurr.(:
My name is Abbie, I'm 15
Live in the 0h-so-lovely state of New York.
Very small town gurl.
I'm in the drama club and I love acting.
Glee/Harry Potter are my life. I'm obsessed.
I'm actually a really sincire and trust worthy person.(:
I don't talk to anybody on here, so feel free to chat, I get kinda lonely.
I've gone through some tough things, so I know what it feels like. If you wanna vent I'm here.(:
xoxo Abbie(:

Quotes by GenieveNicole

 I’m kinda happy the “Get pregnant fast” adds are gone,
And were replaced with One Direction(:
 Math city, Math, Math city,
10, 10, 10, 20  equals 50 b*tch.

I still have that little bit of hope that you love me too.

 Even After everything…
I honestly can’t bear the thought of you not being here, I love you.
Your eyes are so blue, and you have that adorable little scar on your face.
Every day I cling to that bit of hope that maybe someday, I can be yours.
But for now, we have to wait.
 That Feeling of strength
When Your bra and underwear match
 And yes…
This year will be the same as last, hoping that everything will be okay, be better than last year. I make promises I vow to keep, and then when I don’t keep them I feel even worse about myself. I always build myself up, to knock myself down, because let’s face it 2012 will be the same as 2011, like every other year.
The worst part of all of this...
Is that no matter how bad you hurt me,
How many times you lie to me,
How many other girls you flirt with,
How many times you lead me on,
How many times you tell me exactly what i want to hear,
How many reasons you give me to leave,
I can always find one to stay...
           Because I love you...♥
And He's the reason,
she wakes up in the morning,
and falls asleep at night...