
Joined: May 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 302548
Welcome to my profile :)

Hey Hey Hey!
I love the Hawkeyes as you can probobly tell... I'm a BIG tomboy. At school my friends always get mad at me since I'm always playing football with the boys. I love to play football, volleyball, bastetball, and softball. I have awesome friends, family, and pets! My favorite food is chicken roll thingys. I'm 12 years old. I have 1 sister and 2 pets. I have an awesome life!!! :)

HawkeyeJo's Favorite Quotes

I love how every person Spencer (from iCarly) goes to is named something to do with their job. lol

Socko --> makes socks

Rob --> robs people

Like if you knew to highlight<3

*Rocking Out to Music. Sitting down and the chair collapses*

Normal People: Laugh and ask 
if im ok

My Sister: Continues singing and ignores me

Format by Sandrasaurus

format by sandrasaurus

get home from vacat ion

You dont get out of the car for the next half hour becuz ur being lazy.

You finally get out of the car and go inside, feel the air conditioning, and think.

why didn't come in earlier?

format by sandrasaurus
0 Likes: Ugly :/
5 Likes: Cute :D
10 Likes: Adorable :)
15 Likes: Pretty(:
20 Likes:Beautiful c:
25 Likes:Gorgeous. 
30+ Likes: Beyond Everything[:

-repost if you're brave
Yes, im 14. And ya i want a balloon animal.
Now give it here.
My sister: *Skypes with her best friend for two hours*
My sister: Hey mom, can I have her over?

-_- wow
When you ask someone to turn down the music and everyone suddenly decides to start singing 10x louder.
Mom: *parks car* ...Maybe I should park over there...

Sister: NO. You shouldn't. *gets out of car and slams door*

Mom: Jeez... I thinks she's a little bossy..

Me: You just noticed???
Today a girl at my sister's bday party was cutting a taco with a spoon.... No joke.

That horrible moment
                                                      when you get in the car and hear the end of your favorite song on the radio.