
Joined: January 2, 2012
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I_GoTo_Hyrule_OnThe_Weekends's Favorite Quotes

Hey Witty, Feel Free To Ignore This, Just Do What You Do.
Well many of you know me as Kim, I know a lot of you, and many of you know me. Many of you, Dont. But this gives me a chance. I never get a chance to tell you who I really am. Well, I live with Jacy, And Andii. My two bestfriends, Perfect right? No, not really. I wake up, And look at myself. I never say "Oh im beautiful" or "Oh wow, i look good today" Never. I used to, but that all changed, My boyfriend passed away, One of my best friends was in the hospital with Heart issues,Then my friend hung herself. Great huh? I just want to make one point across, Dont bully. What if thats the LAST thing you say to them? My point. Danni was my best friend. She was my sister. I loved her. Same with Cody, I loved them both. So much. In one week, that happened. I thought my life was over. But it wasnt, I Had friends to lean on, i had people to talk to. I have Lindsey,Jacy, Sean, Andii, Myki, Aaron, Jordan and many others. Those people right there, that are listed, are amazing. They always made me smile. [:
And Thats What I Needed.


This quote does not exist.
I hack-ided you..
[: but thats okay,
I love you beautiful♥
                Damn girl,
                                   who lit the fuse to your tampon?

There is no love
Like the love of a DrumCaptian and her Drumline Kids.
 My little group of percussioners. You did great! I'm so proud of you guys. I'm going to miss you next year. Don't fret little ones. I'm comming back to help for tryouts; and I'll be there at all of your preformances. I have never met a group of people quite like you guys. You dominated tonight! I don't think I've ever cried at my band. But since I'm comming close to the end of the line; I'm getting sappy. I cried at football homecomming when I played the Dickson fight song one last time on that ghetto football field. I cried when I played basketball homecomming and I saw all of you playing. I cried even more when I saw Sean doing stickflips. I watched you guys mature and get better at your instraments. Blah; I'm crying now. Moral of this? I love you guys.


Six Months Today..
And dollface; it's been rough. I miss you a lot. I still wish you were hear with me today. It sucks that I can't see your smiling face anymore. But I know you would want me to stay strong. Before I picked up Jordan; I sat at the park. And I cried. Like I usually do; but I cried even more because it's been half a year already. Then; I left flowers on your grave. And I made sure they weren't those ugly yellow flowers you don't like. And you know; this might sound strange But I read to you kind of. I pulled out that HungerGames book you never finished and I read a couple of chapers to you today. I won't quit reading until I've read them all to you. I miss you Maddie. I know you aren't comming to see me anytime soon. But I'll be up there with you before you know it. I can't wait to see you dear. You gotta show me around.
I know you can't read this but I just wanted to let you know, I love you. So so much. I didn't think I could live without you; and lemme tell you, it's hard. But I think I'll make it though. I miss you a lot.
Rest In Peace
Maddie Rhian Nelson <3


-So this is my princess, her names Lindsey, and i love her very much.
-This is true.
-And maybe im a prince or something?
-Maybe.. Are you?
-Prince, Charming.
-Okaaay. Just kidding.

And So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb.
Its been 5 weeks.
And in those 5 weeks,
Ive learned who i actually care about,
Who loves me,
She is perfect.
And i can promise you,
Shes going to be mine forever.
Lindsey, your a princess.
And maybe im a prince or something?
I love you beautiful.