
Joined: March 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 286561

Hey there beautiful, 
Jana is the name. I blow my candles on May 7th. My zodiac sign is ( Taurus).
Detroit is where I was raised & where I've lived most of my life, but currently living in Dubai.
I'm originally Palestinian/Lebanese.
Demi Lovato is such an amazing idol.
I may have not been a lovatic from the start but I will stay as a lovatic till the end.
She inspired many people & I am one of them.
Justin Bieber taught me and proved that dreams do come true, you just gotta never say never,
He's awesome.
Taylor swift stole most of our ( us girls') diaries.
Her music has actual meaning.
She's beautiful.
I am as well team #ymcmb.


I'm just a girl with a dream and a million possiblities ahead of her, & to get this out & open now, I'm never gonna apologize for having an opinion. I am straight-out person. I tell it like this. I don't beat around the bush & say bullshit. I am not afraid to be that person that comes off as a mean person just to say the truth.
I put god first.
Friends&Family are a huge part of my life.
Lovatic|Belieber|Directioner|Swifty|YMCMB| & Many more! <3
Twitter ? - @Janakadd
Tumblr? - itsjanaaax.tumblr.com
Anything else? just ask me (:
p.s I'm always here for anyone & I'll be glad to give advice.
Stay strong, you're beautiful.

JanaKadd's Favorite Quotes


Being yourself ; 
is the prettiest thing a person can be.


 Can you seriously stop being so judgemental?
So you think by saying mean stuff is going to hurt me? I don't even care anymore. Say what you want to say and do what you want to do. No one's stopping you. You want to talk behing my back? Go right along. After all you're going to be put in a position that you'll regret it. It's sad how you hate it when someone says something about you or becomes all judgemental on you, you fill the world up side down. But guess what, you want to be treated right? Then you sure have to treat people the way you want to be treated, got that? 


On May 7th, which is in couple hours where I live, I'll be one year older! 



Today before you think of an unkind word, think of someone who can’t speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of
someone who has nothing to eat!
Before you complain about your misunderstandings with your father or mother think of someone who cries to God for them to be around!
Today before you complain about life, think of someone who died too young!
Before you argue about your untidy house, think of people living in the streets!
Before whining about the distance you drive, think of someone who travels the same distance with their feet!
And when depressing thoughts get you down, put a smile on your face & thank God you are alive.
Remember: Life is a blessing & comes with a purpose.♥


I don't understand how; 
You can smile all day long, but cry yourself to sleep at night. How pictures never change, but the people in them do. How you can love so innocently, but it can turn into anger so quickly. How your best friend can become your worst enemy. Or when your worst enemy turns into your best friend. How forever turns into a few short months that you'd do almost anything to get back.How you can let go of something you once said you couldn’t live without. How even though you know letting go of something is best for you, it hurts just the same. How the people who once wanted to spend every second with you, think a few minutes of their time is too much time to spare. How people make promises, and bear their souls to someone despite knowing how common it is for promises to be broken. How people can erase you from their lives ‘cause it’s just easier then working things out.


I know I'll be the idiot  who trips down the isle on my wedding day.




What should I know?
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.


We're strangers with memories.


Daydreams were dangerous because they made her wish for things she could never have.

You're so beautiful, why would

you ever think otherwise?

Because some guy made you

feel ugly? Because you see

other girls with the clothes, the

makeup, the hair and 'perfect'

smile? Don't let that fool you,

everyone has at least one

insecurity. The best way to

deal with it is by putting it

aside, and learning to love

yourself every single day

because there's someone out

there who loves you & your

flaws. I promise.