
Joined: June 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 307567
Hey! Im Kayley! I love animals, sports, hanging with friends, shopping, and helping other people with difficult problems! If you need advice don't be afraid to comment and follow! Things will get better!

Quotes by Kayley318

We're not friends,
We're strangers with memories.
The relaxing days when you ask yourself, "Should I get dressed today?" XD

Theres this guy that i like.

We are close friends and he knows that i like him but I dont know if he likes me back. 

Hes texting me and I dont know if hes trying to tell me that he likes me or not.

He always asks me to hang out with him.

What should I do?

Thanks for your help!

That awkward when,
Your parents walk into your room and look at your computer screen and even if your not doing anything wrong, you feel really really uncomfortable...
Who else hates it when you ask your favorite celebrity a question on facebook, twitter, instagram, or what ever else, and they never reply to anyones questions. We, the fans, are the reason you ARE famous! So how do you thank us for all the money, fame, spotlight, free stuff, and making your dream come true? By ignoring us. So Not Cool! Favorite this if you agree!
Just Teenage things;
Having one of your parents friends come up to you and saying "Oh my gosh your so big! I remember when you were only two years old! Do you remember me?" and then saying "yeah!" when you really have no clue who they are.

Favorite this if you have ever done this!
Hey Guys!
Check out my new story on Wattpad.com
The title is The Break of Bri
and its my first chapter, The Breaking Beginning.
I really appreciate it! :)
Favorite this quote if
you are team
Kevin the Pigeon!
Most people: "I love it when my boyfriend says I love you!"

Me: "I love it when the microwave tells me my food is ready."
Funny how:
you "Best Friends Forever" haven't talked to each other scince school ended.