
Joined: May 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 302049

Quotes by LivingMyOwnWay

Be weird.
Be random.
          Be who you are,
               because you never know who
                     would love the person you hide... <3

I lost my love, I lost it all;
But I won't cry, not anymore.

        You were my eyes when I couldn't see,
        you were my voice when I couldn't sing,
        you were my sky so I could believe:
you are everything I need<3
Watching NatGeo with my family...
Man on TV:....our hydraulic system....... because......
Me: *thinking* tadada daa mmm i´m kinda into a sandwich right now *jumps up from the sofa* Me:PREPARE YOURSELF FRIDGE, BECAUSE A NINJA POTATOE IS ABOUT TO ATTA-
Man on TV: .....almost all drains lead to the ocean,so we.........
Me: MOOOM??!! is it true that the drains lead into the ocean???? 
Dad: please shut up!! I don't know if in your planet wattuki they are used to scream bu-
Me: WHAT THE HECK DID YOU CALL WITTY?? first,, second,, is my heart and you broke it so don't talk to me ever again unless you bring food with you!!!
Me:*stands up* Goodbye family! -__- *climbs up the stairs*
Family: where are you going? 
Me: to the bathroom so I can jump into the toilett and be with Nemo!! 
*mumbling* i'm too fat to get through the toilett bowl-___-
Whole family: *LOLing at me*

it's just a vent, but sadly there's no such category anymore :(

Roses are RED, .

Violets are BLUE. .

Faces like YOURS, belong in the ZOO. .

Don’t be mad, I’LL be there too… .

Not in the cage, but laughing at YOU! .

All the guys should be like coke, always sweet and bubbling in your belly…
I cared, you didn´t.
I cried, you laughed.
I was hurt, you smiled.
I moved on, you realized.

I want to live, not just survive

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t. And believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it would be easy... They just promised it would be worth it.
One day, you told me you were moving away…

I thought I couldn’t let you go, that I belonged wherever you were. I cried and you cried, but time has made us learn, that “Distance” means so little when someone means so much