
Joined: May 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 302049

Quotes by LivingMyOwnWay

Scars tell the story of where you've been. They don't dictate where you are going...

Girls: When did we start letting boys dictate our happiness?

Sometimes I laugh at my mistakes....

                     so sorry if I laugh at your face :P 

 "Life is really simple, we just keep insisting on making it complicated" 

 Albert Einstein


I'm on a seefood diet,
I see food and I eat it  ;)

Fav if you love food♥

Let mean people talk behind your back.....
it reminds you you're one step ahead of them.
"So when you're lost and you're tired, 
When you're broken in 2...
let my love take you higher,
Cause I, I still turn to you" 

- Justin Bieber♥

This quote/lyrics are dedicated to all of the people that really care about someone who's going through a hard situation (a break up, an illness, just had an awful day...) so that they want to help and support them even if they're also broken in the inside. They're still there for their friends at any times... I know many people like this, but they are just too humble to ask for help... I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU JUST LIKE YOU ARE FOR ME♥♥ never forget I love you from the bottom of my heart!
First day using Witty.... so excited to be new!! Love you all witticans♥
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