
Joined: September 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
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tell me you love me, and i'll be your's forever
all about me ~
every time you look at me, my heart skips a beat. please don't give up on me...
if you want to change this icon it must be 128 pixels wide and 119 pixels high.
They all said he was shy, that I had to take charge and I wondered why. But now I see, and I'm begging you please...don't leave me. <3
Hello there! My name is Margaret--but please call me Meg. My friends call me Meggles, so you can call me that too, my Witty siblings. :) Anyway, I'm 14, and I blow out the candles with my two brothers on March 30th. That means I'm a triplet! And I wouldn't change it for the world.
I'm a writer before anything else. I love the feel of entangling sentences to form the most perfect paragraph, I love the way words that waltz about in my mind can convey my feelings. I'm madly in love with writing.
Well, that, and Chase...
He likes me, apparently. But he was sort of ignoring me at the football game...but I saw his looks.
And of course I want to talk to him, but I'm worried about screwing it up...
And I don't wanna mess this up...
Not yet...
Anyway, I hope you check out my quotes! And please comment--I promise I will not bite! (Pardon the cliche...) I mean, I only give love nips!
Have a wonderful day, beautiful!


Quotes by MissMeggles

She painted a picture
of her unbroken heart. 
However the heart was tainted,
tainted with the poision of soicety's grip.

She'd walked a thousand miles of hell 
through the mud.
And yet you decided to dwell
on the things that hurt her the most.

You're staring at me, waiting.
I'm glancing at you, debating,
Whether or not to let you be,
For the idea that you will dislike me
Runs through my head.
And as you walk away, I really wish I were dead
Another day has gone by
Where I ask myself "Why oh why?
"Did I not say a word to you?
When that was what you wished me to do?"

I love how
his name sounds like some of my guy friends'.
So when I try to say their name, I sometimes
murmur his name instead.

Please don't give up on me,
just because I'm scared to disappoint you.

My mother always told me, "It's the little things that matter."
I didn't realize how right she was until I met you.

Happy Halloween

Have a wonderful day! :)

format based off of ThatsSoMee


I don't see why you're hiding it anymore.
I know you don't love me, Mom. You let our differences get in your way, and I do too.
But then, how come I still love you?

Help me change the world.
You'll keep me going when I'm begging to stop.

Hey you...yeah, I mean you.
If you have taken a minute to read this...
God has seen YOU struggling with something.
God says its over.
A blessing is coming your way.
If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it,
you are being tested.
God is going to fix two things
tonight in your favor.
If you believe in God…
drop everything and re-post it.
I just did!

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