
Joined: April 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 296378
Amber Rose
That would be my first & Middle name(-;

Hello! First of all I want you to know that you, my friend, are absolutly gorgeous, and never ever forget that*-; And second of all, let's talk about me and my exciting life-___- here I go! Well, I am Amber Rose (Amber first name, Rose middle name, just like the way it sounds, thanks momma! But I hate the name Amber!(-:) And unfortunatly, I have enemies. *sigh* One got so bad every day we have to sit in a freaking hot room together with the guidence counceler and talk out our PROBLEMS. *Siiiigh* Awkward! Okay now some happy stuff! I pretty much have the BEST friends anyone could ask for(-: I absolutely LOVE them(-: They make all my enemies seem stupid, and small(-: Hey, maybe you can become my friend! You totally should, I mean I'm not very loveable sometimes, but I'd love to get to know you(-: And to all you beautiful wittians thinking about suicide, DON'T! We love you so much!(-: xx I've been through it all, luckily I've gotten out of it with the help of my best friend and momma(-: Okay, so I have brown hair (darrrk) and brown eyes! I don't think I'm that pretty, and I'm taken. . . . . HAHAHAHAHA JK I'm totally kiddddding! Forever alone, boys suck! I've learned from experience!(-; By the way, I LOVE One Direction totally Directioner for life(-: Comment on my profile if you need anything beautiful, xx(-:

Hey There Beautiful(-: